Annual Special Issue BRI

The POSEIDO Community is organizing a permanent Annual Special Issue in Biomed Research International (BRI), as a complementary publication effort, entitled:

New Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine Strategies in Periodontology, Oral Surgery, Esthetic and Implant Dentistry

The 2015-2016 Special Issue is now opened for submissions.

This journal is open-access, indexed in Pubmed Central and has an impact factor of 1.579 (SCIE). This issue mostly accepts original research articles and review work. Articles are published and indexed in a continuous flow, but the whole annual special issue is finally released each year during the summer period. All information concerning the exact themes of this special issue, and the process of submission and review of articles are regrouped in the Call-for-Papers indicated below.

The Founding Annual Special Issue of this Program was published in 2015 and is freely available online in open-access, following this link below:

The open-access publication fees in this journal are quite high, 2000 USD per article. As an effort to promote the collaborative works within the POSEIDO community, the POSEIDO Foundation offers 10 grants of 2000 USD each to cover these publication fees, to the best articles accepted for publication in each annual special issue.

The conditions to apply for this grant are:

  • to have at least 3 articles submitted and accepted in the POSEIDO Journal,
  • to apply for this grant at the time of the initial submission of the article to this special issue, by sending the manuscript and a grant request (with a short description of the importance of the research work) to the POSEIDO Foundation address:
  • the submitted article must be of strategical interest to receive this grant, based on the current plans of development of the POSEIDO Foundation. The decision remains into the hands of the Board of Directors. We can not guaranty that a submission will receive such grant, even if we will try to help colleagues as much as possible.

Go directly to the website of the publisher below, to see the 2015-16 Call-for-Papers:


Download the .pdf of the Call-for-Papers by clicking HERE.

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